Pastor Leroy Barnes, Jr.

Pastor Leroy Barnes, Jr. is the Senior Pastor of Relentless Global Church (RGC), a ministry dedicated to building God’s Kingdom one family at a time by preaching and teaching the message of Jesus Christ (Luke 4:43).

He provides a Christ-Centered, Biblical-Based principle for everyday living causing the people of God to fulfill their purpose and destiny in life. He encourages men and women to live up to their full potential in Christ.

Being an intercessor, pillar, supporter, and encourager to so many men of God, family members, friends, co-workers, and business partners; God uses him in unique ways that only He can get the glory! Being faithful to the call of God on His life and Kingdom righteousness living; Pastor Leroy gets joy when others walk in victory because of the practical principals he shares by inspiring them to believe God for themselves. As a result, they experience the supernatural in their personal life and in their business.

Pastor Leroy has been gifted with the ability to create an atmosphere where people of all walks of life, race, and denomination can touch heaven with a multi-cultural sound that is Kingdom. His personal passion is to preach what Jesus preached, with miracles, signs and wonders following. The poor can be blessed, the sick can be healed, and the lost can be saved and set free. Pastor Leroy’s favorite quote is “Meeting the Needs of the Lost and the Hurting by way of God’s Word”!

His desire is to fulfil the great commission not only to reach the world but start at Jerusalem, meaning ministry should begin in our local communities – by ministering to the teens, local families, and to the elderly who will never be forgotten.

With great compassion, he loves to read, travel, and help others. Being a diligent and unswerving Son/Servant of the Most-High God, our God has found him faithful. Therefore, he has been elevated for such a time as this!

Pastor Leroy has been married to his covenant vow (wife) Betty for 35 years. Together they have 5 children (Rosalyn, Christina (Husband-Marlow), Marquion (Wife-Idy), Roshell and Joshua) and the proud grandparents of 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.

Pastor Leroy has received an Bachelor of Theology in 1989; Certificate of Ordination in 2003; and Certification in Christian Counseling in 2013.

Pastor Betty Barnes

Pastor Betty Barnes loves the Lord, Her Family, His People and His Word! She knows and understands that only the Lord can guide anyone through any situation they may face. Her down-to-earth, real transparent style of leadership, teaching and administration has impacted so many lives. Her testimony is living proof that God can do anything and that He will make a way out of no way, just as He said He would!

God has blessed her with the gift of administration which has afforded her the ability to be an outstanding event planner, church developer, and business program coordinator. Her commitment to excellence has been recognized by planning events, developing policies and procedures and day-to-day operations which is a tremendous blessing to many ministries. Starting out in humble beginnings then growing to become mega ministries is so rewarding and fulfilling for her. As she walks in the wisdom and favor of God, the ability to multitask in several capacities is a great asset to the ministry. Being a down to earth jovial and balanced Woman of God, she just does not sit to be waited on; she will help wherever help is needed.

Her keen sensitiveness to the Spirit of God through Worship changes and shifts any atmosphere. Being confident of who she is in Christ, propels her to inspire and minister to the lost and the hurting by building God’s Kingdom one person at a time. Knowing our Savior lives, and He wants the best for ALL of us!

Her special interest focuses on moral standards of young ladies and women! She is excited about promoting positive thinking and a forum of excellence into the lives of our generation and generations to come. She is also anointed in building strong healthy Kingdom marriages between a husband and a wife.

Pastor Betty shares a unique and inspiring covenant relationship with her husband Pastor Leroy Barnes, Jr. With great dedication of doing God’s will, open communication, and a genuine love and appreciation for one another. She is an example of just what God can do with two people who started out in the same despair; that so many of today’s families start out in. As they continued to remain in covenant and to please God in their relationship, God made every crooked road straight!

Being a loving and supportive wife to Pastor Leroy for 32 years. Together they have 5 children (Rosalyn, Christina (Husband-Marlow), Marquion (Wife-Idy), Roshell and Joshua) and the proud grandparents of 6 grandchildren.


In April 2020, Pastor Leroy had a dream. He saw God’s people as sheep lying in the street bleeding and left for dead. The Lord spoke to him saying my sheep need a Shepherd – will you go! From that point on, he and his wife answered the call to put their hands to the plow to lead and pastor the Relentless Global Church family.


Being passionate about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and meeting the needs of the lost and hurting; the Lord allowed Pastors Leroy and Betty to enter into a realm of preaching a message of hope to the city, state and world.


On Sunday, May 17, 2020, Relentless Global Church held its first service in Spring, Texas. What an honor and a privilege it was to see so many people in attendance in the middle of a pandemic. We all came together, prayed, talked about where we were and where God has called us to go. God’s word: ‘Move Forward!’



Mary Ann King | Secretary

I am homegrown! Born in the 4th largest City in the Nation-Houston, Texas! Over the past 30 plus years my heart has led me to releasing GOOD TREASURE from the pockets of our inner-city communities. By the grace of God, I discovered my own performing arts abilities through Houston Parks and Recreation. Therefore, it has been my pleasure to lend a helping hand in grassroots efforts. My passion has been to give experiential instructions in creative dance expression to children and teens. I’ve been on the move painting the world with love and music! Dancing in the streets and creating art out of EVERYTHING! By God’s grace I am an instrument in helping our children to discover themselves. I inspire them to make a difference in the world. What an awesome privilege it is to continue effecting change in our communities through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Indeed, it is a joy to connect as a covenant partner with Pastors Leroy and Betty Barnes. They truly have a desire to please the Master and love His children (His treasure). The world today is in such utter chaos. It is our pleasure and prayer to serve hurting humanity by responding as the Good Samaritan in rendering aid and pouring in the oil and wine. We aim to bring by the Grace of God Heaven upon the Earth! Our mandate is to preach, teach and to demonstrate with signs and wonders following. We are BELIEVERS!

Thomathan D. Good Sr. | Trustee

Thomathan Good, Sr., graduated from the University of Houston’s College of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. He has played football for the award-winning 1996 Conference USA Champions- The University of Houston Cougars. He accomplished his childhood goal to be a professional athlete and played baseball for the Kansas City Royals. Thomathan has had the honor to lead Dunamis Christian Men’s Fellowship of which he is the founder. 

Thomathan has had the privilege to work with several ministries, from store fronts to mega-churches. He has served men and women of God for over 27 years as an Elder, Teens-Leader, Lead Usher, and Men’s Fellowship Leader. His greatest accomplishment was marrying his college sweetheart and having 3 wonderful children: Thomathan II, Taylor and Taryn.  

Thomathan is passionate about serving God’s people. He is excited to be a part of the Relentless Global Church Family and looks forward to seeing the vision of the Church come to pass.  


Kerry Louis Banks | Trustee

I am a native Houstonian, the husband of Ophelia and father of 3 sons. I am a 30-year veteran, a retired Master Peace Officer, and a Harris County Deputy Sheriff’.  I am also a 30-year entrepreneur, including 20-years as a licensed financial services advisor. Currently, I am a certified Financial Education Instructor and also a Global Affiliate with Wealth Builders World-Wide.

I received formal ministerial training and graduated from Light Christian Institute of Ministry. I now serve with Pastors Leroy & Betty Barnes as a servant on the Board of Trustees. It is indeed a pleasure to continue to serve and bring my experience and dedication to God’s people at Relentless Global Church – Building People, Relationships, Communities and God’s Kingdom.